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Fantastic Contraption

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Monday, October 11, 2004


So I guess my parents finally sold the house. For those who aren't up on it, they got a divorce. My mom moved out, my dad has been living in the house. Just found out tonight that they sold the house, finally. I lived there from the time I was 7 until I went away to college. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I don't feel like I'll really miss the house - I've moved enough that I don't really get attached to places like that. Just waiting for it to sink in that I'll probably never go there again.

Some random memories of things that occurred in that house...

When my mom would send my sister and I into our separate rooms (typically for fighting with each other), my sister would always come to the heat/AC register that was connected to both our rooms, and would start talking to me ("Geez. Mom's really grumpy, huh?") Pretty soon we'd be laughing, and mom would be really confused. Poor mom.

One weekend our friends were visiting from out of town, and we had just watched this ridiculous movie called CHUD or something, where these slimy monsters came up out of the sewers. Right as we were finishing watching it, the drain in the laundry room started backing up and spewing all this nasty green foam (we had shampooed the carpets earlier, and our drain system was barfing up the suds we'd dumped down it). It was creepy, until we realized what was going on. Then it was annoying.

In the upstairs bathroom, we used to have this plum-colored wallpaper that had a repeating pattern with 4 little white dots in a diamond shape - the diamond was probably only like 1/8" wide. All over the wallpaper. But there was one spot where there was only 3 dots together. The dots were so small, it would usually take me a few minutes to find it, but when I did, it always bothered me. Everytime I sat down to take a dump, I would stare at that stupid 3-dotted diamond and get annoyed.

One time, Kendra W. was at my house, and we were working on some kind of project, and she pointed out that the wood grain in my door looked like a guy's face. That always bothered me, from that point on.

So then I moved downstairs, where I had a bedroom with no guy-face wood pattern on the door, and no stupid wallpaper pattern in the bathroom.

One time when I was probably 8 or something, I was playing "Sand Trap" in our sand box. Just walloping the hell out of this golf ball with a putter. I reared back to hit it, and got my sister square in the forehead. Don't think it even broke the skin, but I still have guilt about that.

That's all that comes to mind immediately.

It's not like I didn't know this day was coming, so it shouldn't come as a shock.


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